At Warriapendi Primary School, we are lucky to have an active and engaging P&C Association. Our friendly body of representatives includes parents/carers who volunteer their time and skills to promote and support the interests of our vibrant school. All are welcome to join and there are many ways to become involved.
Each year the P&C organises a number of school events. While some events support our goal of raising funds, others have the sole purpose of bringing together our magnificent school community. The P&C has held many successful events throughout the years including discos, sausage sizzles, raffles, dress up days and lunch/recess stalls! All money raised by the P&C benefits the school through new resources for the school community.
P&C meetings are held two – four times a term in the Board Room. Attending P&C meetings is an excellent way of becoming familiar with the school, with our Principal providing an update each term. Meetings are relaxed, informative and are a great place to meet other parents and carers. Meetings also provide an opportunity for members to discuss and share any ideas they may have, although simply coming along to listen is most welcome.
The P&C provides information through the school newsletter and the SMS messaging system.
How Can You Help
There are many ways you can become more involved in the school community:
- Attend committee meetings or become a committee member
- Volunteer to organise or help with an event
- Keep an eye out in our newsletter for one-off jobs and tasks when we need help.
Contact Us
If you would like any more information about the P&C or have any ideas you would like to share, don’t hesitate to contact us by email: WarriapendiPSPnC@outlook.com