Welcome to 2022

Dear Parents/Caregivers

The last two weeks have been very exciting welcoming everyone back to the 2022 school year and meeting all the new families. Teachers have been busy setting up their classrooms and designing outstanding learning programs that will motivate your children through explicit instruction to achieve their personal best. We continue to provide specialist programs in Art, Music, Science, Health and Physical Education. Our whole school programs in Reading, Spelling and Maths started this week with students adjusting to new teachers for each of these subjects. It is with great pleasure that I welcome our new staff; Mrs Lee, Miss Jones, and Mrs Campbell who bring great skill and expertise to Warriapendi. We also have a new school Psychologist Mrs McClean who comes into school on a Monday. Mrs Rao has also returned from Long Service Leave.

COVID-19 and School

The Education Department continue to balance coming to school and keeping people safe. At the moment there are frequent updates/requirements that we need to adhere to. Unfortunately, parent information sessions have been cancelled (teachers will be supplying some class information in a letter); Breakfast club, school assemblies and choir have been postponed; Children are eating in year level groups; Parents are allowed onto school ground as long as they are wearing a mask, unfortunately parents are no longer allowed in classrooms. If you require a meeting with a teacher please make an arrangement with the teacher – this will most likely take place outdoors.

Any changes/restrictions can be viewed in the “what’s happening” section – “COVID Updates” Tab, please keep an eye on this information so that you are well informed.

If your child is sick they cannot be at school and you should follow WA health advice before returning to school. Please think about the safety of the school community.


Our school has strict arrival and departure times for the safety of all students. Students should not arrive at school before 8.25am Students are required to change reading books from 8.30am and the school day starts promptly at 8.40am and finishes at 2.50pm sharp. Please ensure that your child arrives on time so that they do not miss important learning at the start of the day. Break times are still 1st Lunch (10.50am – 11.20am), 2nd Lunch (1.20pm – 1.50pm).

Welcome to our Kindy 1 children


Please be patient when dropping off and picking up your child to ensure that you are following the rules of the road. Parking continues to be an issue. The car park next to the Child and Parent Centre (CPC) is only for parents visiting the CPC and parents who have children in the Kindergarten. The yellow parking bays north of the Early Years playground do not belong to Warriapendi Primary do not use these bays. If your child is in years PP-6, you need to use the parking along Redcliffe Avenue. If you live close to the school, walking is a healthy option and you can enjoy the wonderful summer weather.

Do not park in the yellow parking bays and only parents going to the CPC and Kindy Parents to access parking inside the gates thank you.

Jacob Slavin