Mark McGowan launches Premier’s Reading Challenge

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Warriapendi Primary School was fortunate enough to welcome Premier Mark McGowan and Minister for Education, Sue Ellery, to our amazing school today. The purpose of the visit was to launch the Premier’s Reading Challenge 2022, a free initiative that promotes positive reading habits and provides students in Western Australia with opportunities to discover the joy of exploring amazing stories and magical journeys through books. 

There was a large media presence and a number of other distinguished guests in attendance, all of whom were welcomed expertly to Warriapendi Primary School by our Head Girl, Mia Kelley, and Head Boy, Arsal Noman. Prior to the event commencing, Mia and Arsal conducted an Acknowledgement of Country, and spent time speaking with our visitors about their interests.

Following a press conference, the Premier and Minister met our wonderful Year 3 students and Teacher, Melissa Campbell in the library, where the Premier read them a book. It was a fantastic experience for all involved and really showcased our school. We have received plenty of positive feedback about the event already from our students and the broader Education landscape. Please keep an eye out on TV, news websites and ABC radio over the coming days for some footage from the event. 

I would like to acknowledge the efforts of all of our staff and students for the way they prepared for today and then conducted themselves throughout proceedings. It was a great reflection of the high standards we set at Warriapendi Primary School. 

Matt Pinkard