Dear Parents and Caregivers,
As announced by the WA Department of Health, a range of public health measures have eased as of 12:01am this morning. See below for the changes:
1. Students can attend school if they are close contacts, provided they:
- have no symptoms
- undertake daily RATs and return negative results
- wear a mask at all times outside the home
- parents notify the school on 9345 6100 before attending school as a household close contact
- avoid high-risk and large public gatherings
2. Students are not required to wear masks at school unless they are a household close contact as above.
3. Parents are welcome in classrooms but are reminded to socially distance from staff, parents and other students where possible. Do not enter the classroom if you are unwell.
4. Face to face parent meetings can resume with social distancing.
5. Assemblies can resume this term. We will communicate more information about this soon.
6. No close contacts will be identified from school. The only close contact rule that applies to students is the household close contact rule.
7. Students will be allowed to eat with the peer group they would have eaten with prior to COVID restrictions being introduced.
While parents are now allowed back in classrooms, please respect the morning routines established throughout the school as this time of the day is crucial for learning and developing independence. We are very excited to be able to return to many of our normal processes and thank you for your ongoing support of our school as we navigate COVID together.
Matt Pinkard