Covid-19 at Warriapendi Primary

Dear parents/carers and staff

On advice from WA Health, I am providing the following information. There has been a positive case of COVID-19 at Warriapendi Primary.

They attended the Room 6, Year 2 class on Thursday 10th of March while infectious.

All students and staff who were in the class at the same time as the case, are deemed a close contact by WA Health and should get tested immediately.

The following key dates apply for all students and staff who were in this class:

  • Today (11th March): Get tested, PCR or RAT (PCR preferred)
  • Date of final test: PCR Wednesday 16th of March or RAT Thursday 17th of March
  • End of quarantine date and time: Thursday 17th of March at 3:00pm

Under very high caseload settings, students who are asymptomatic close contacts (other than those who are household close contacts) may now:

  • continue attending school;
  • attend before school care or after school care;
  • attend school-based sporting or cultural training, practice, or events organised through the school and held immediately before or after school at their school; and
  • travel between the student’s usual place of residence and their school.

At all other times, asymptomatic close contacts should quarantine for 7 days.

These arrangements will not apply to children who are ‘household close contacts’ or who are experiencing any COVID- 19 symptoms.

COVID-19 PCR tests can be accessed at a COVID Clinic. A list of clinics can be found here:

Advice for all families and staff:

  • The school remains open.
  • If your child was not in the notified class at the same time as the case, your child is not required to quarantine and should attend school.
  • As for everyone in Western Australia, we ask that you monitor your child/yourself for symptoms of COVID-19 and get tested and isolate until you receive a negative result, if symptoms develop.
  • If you or your child develop symptoms, please do not attend school.
  • Please note that the Omicron strain can present with less typical symptoms such as diarrhoea, particularly in children.

If you have queries or concerns, please contact WA Health on 1300 316 555.

Kind regards
Jacob Slavin
Warriapendi Primary School